2023 – State of the City Address: STATE OF THE CITY ADDRESS 12/29/23   Citizens of Honeyville,   I am honored to serve you as the Mayor of Honeyville and hope my time of service helps our community to accomplish the many goals we have set out to achieve.   During 2023 we held several fun events to allow us to gather together as a community.  Those activities were:  The Easter Egg Hunt, 4th of July Activities and the Trunk or Treat.  We look forward to hosting those events again in 2024 and hope you will join us.   In 2023 we had a successful Summer Clean-Up where the City provided dumpsters to assist citizens in cleaning up their yards.  We plan to do this again in 2024.  Be watching for those dates closer to the spring and summer months.   Throughout 2023 the City started working on updating our General Plan as well.  This has been a huge undertaking.  We appreciate everyone who offered input and feedback.  We are optimistic that this will be completed in early 2024.   Also, in 2023 the City accomplished many important Water Projects.  The projects that were completed or that are still in progress are as follows:  The City replaced a lead waterline that was leaking on the South end of town. The City became compliant with the Utah Drinking Water regulations to monitor the City’s water system. During the course of this project, we were able to save the City roughly $60,000.00 according to our engineered estimate.  This was done by the City’s administration investigating other alternatives that could be used to meet the requirements. The City has also started working on identifying lead pipes used in our water system per the new Federal Government Mandate. We will continue to work on this during 2024. The City submitted a Water Conservation Plan to the State of Utah. We are waiting for approval of this plan from the State. In 2024 the City will present a Water Capital Facilities Plan; we encourage feedback from the community when that is presented. We hope to present this to the public in the spring.   As we bring 2023 to a close I want to express gratitude for the wonderful community we live in.  We hope 2024 will be a great year for everyone.   Respectfully, Mayor Bruce Nelson





Honeyville City



Please email Resumes to:

[email protected]


To perform this job successfully, an individual must be able to perform the essential job functions satisfactorily.  Since every duty associated with this position may not be described herein, employees may be required to perform duties not specifically spelled out in the job description, but which may be reasonably considered to be incidental in the performing of their duties just as though they were actually written in this job description.


Department:              Planning, Permitting & Enforcement

Pay:                            Determined based on experience

Position Closing:       June 28, 2024, or when position is filled.



The Zoning Administrator performs administrative and advanced professional planning work in overseeing the operation of the Zoning Administration Section of the Planning Division.  Responsibilities include: developing and implementing policies and procedures relevant to the administration of the City’s zoning administration program; reviewing and revising applicable codes, policies, and ordinances for implementation of plan goals, objectives and policies as needed or as directed by the Mayor or City Council; and, participating in the management of the Planning Division as it relates to the land development process within the City.  The position is responsible for overseeing all activities relating to any Appeals process and providing staff and citizens with documented interpretations of the Zoning Ordinance.  The Zoning Administrator also serves as a hearing officer in conducting public hearings and deciding cases involving requests for zoning variances, special use permits, and interpretations of the Honeyville City Code, and other matters as designated by the Mayor or City Council.



  • Knowledge of the administrative practices and procedures relative to zoning administration.
  • Knowledge of the codes, ordinances and regulations as applied to administration codes and mandated programs assigned to the Zoning Administrator.
  • Knowledge of the occupational hazards and proper supervision, organization and public administration.
  • Knowledge of the current literature trends and development in the field of zoning administration.
  • Ability to effectively express ideas orally and in writing.
  • Ability to establish and complete work assignments.