BE County Water Master Plan Meeting – 10/22/24: Please join us for the Box Elder County Water Master Plan Bear River Regional Meeting. Click HERE for details.


Important Cemetery Information Request




Thank you to everyone that has come in and updated their cemetery records.  We understand that this can be a sensitive topic.  It is not the city’s intent to take away anyone’s plots, we do, however, need to follow our policy and make sure records are updated once loved ones pass.  Some plots on record are individuals who have passed and do not have any descendants to pass them on to.  Therefore, those plots should become available for use rather than sitting vacant forever.  However, we want descendants of those that have passed to be able to use their family plots.  It is just extremely vital that those records stay updated.


In an attempt to clean up our cemetery records we are asking those who have loved ones that have passed and who feel they have rights to family plots to contact the city office by

December 31, 2024.


Proof of ownership will need to be presented in order to update the deeds.  Please notify family members or friends who may no longer live here as we do not have contact information for everyone affected by these changes.


Deeds do not need to be updated for plots that are occupied.


Per Honeyville City Cemetery Policy it states that all burial plot ownerships with deeds will be transferred within one year of the passing of existing owner of the deed. … If the deed has not been transferred within one year, the burial plots revert back to city ownership.