Important Cemetery Information Request: ATTENTION: IMPORTANT CEMETERY INFORMATION   Thank you to everyone that has come in and updated their cemetery records.  We understand that this can be a sensitive topic.  It is not the city’s intent to take away anyone’s plots, we do, however, need to follow our policy and make sure records are updated once loved ones pass.  Some plots on record are individuals who have passed and do not have any descendants to pass them on to.  Therefore, those plots should become available for use rather than sitting vacant forever.  However, we want descendants of those that have passed to be able to use their family plots.  It is just extremely vital that those records stay updated.   In an attempt to clean up our cemetery records we are asking those who have loved ones that have passed and who feel they have rights to family plots to contact the city office by December 31, 2024.   Proof of ownership will need to be presented in order to update the deeds.  Please notify family members or friends who may no longer live here as we do not have contact information for everyone affected by these changes.   Deeds do not need to be updated for plots that are occupied.   Per Honeyville City Cemetery Policy it states that all burial plot ownerships with deeds will be transferred within one year of the passing of existing owner of the deed. … If the deed has not been transferred within one year, the burial plots revert back to city ownership.




Honeyville City Municipal General Election


Pursuant to Utah Code 10-3-301, Honeyville City hereby gives notice the following municipal offices will be voted on in the 2025 Municipal Election:

  • Mayor (4-year term)
  • Council Member (4-year term)
  • Council Member (4-year term)
  • Council Member (4-year term)

Terms are expiring for: Bruce Nelson (Mayor), Kami Anderson (Councilmember), Dusty Bingham (Councilmember) and David Hougaard (Councilmember)

A person seeking to become a candidate for municipal office shall file a declaration of candidacy, in person with the city recorder at the Honeyville City Offices, 2635 W. 6980 N. Honeyville UT, during the office hours of 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. and not later than the close of those office hours, between June 1 and June 7, 2023 (excluding Saturday and Sunday).

An individual may designate an agent to file a declaration of candidacy with the city recorder if: (i) the individual is located outside of the state during the entire filing period; (ii) the designated agent appears in person before the city recorder; (iii) the individual communicates with the city recorder using an electronic device that allows the individual and city recorder to see and hear each other; and (iv) the individual provides the city recorder with an email address to which the city recorder may send the individual the candidate information.

Pursuant to Utah Code 20A-9-203 qualifications for a municipal candidate are as follows:

  • Must be a registered voter in Honeyville City.
  • Must have resided within Honeyville City for 12 consecutive months immediately before the date of the election.
  • Must maintain a principal place of residency within Honeyville City, and within the district that the elected officer represents, during the officer’s term of office.
  • If the individual resides in a territory which was annexed into the municipality the 12 consecutive months immediately before the date of the election.
  • May not be convicted of a felony.



For information regarding voter registration, please visit the Box Elder County Clerk’s website.

Please contact the city clerk/recorder at 435-279-8425 or email [email protected] with any questions.

Posted on January 22, 2025, by Brittiny Chlarson Honeyville City Recorder.